Happy New Year!!

Hi everyone, Kim here. I hope everyone had a safe New Year's Eve. I hope 2021 brings better for all.
Today I am welcoming you to our new website and introducing our new product. Get comfortable and take a look around, although it is still a work in progress. We will be adding the designer gallery, updated with all our designers wonderful projects. Plus there are still a few behind the scenes kinks to work out.
Make sure you head over to the the catalog section and check out the new chipboard for sale. Right now there are about 80+ images there. We will be working weekly to add more and more to the store. In the meantime pick up some goodies.
Our January kit reveal will be Monday so make sure you join us back here for that. We have some amazing new kits to show you. Plus, our monthly challenge is getting a bit of a makeover as well. All that will be announced on Monday.
All the designers will be revealing their projects on the Tres Jolie blog all month long. Make sure you join us for tons of inspiration, including video and photo tutorials.
Don’t forget that Tres Jolie can be found in the following places:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/121919621993809/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tresjoliekits/
Tres Jolie website: https://tresjoliekits.com/
Tres Jolie subscriptions: https://tresjoliekits.com/services/
Tres Jolie blog: https://tresjoliekits.com/blog/
Tres Jolie YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVBFOOKxZzsXs2tl4MMqSKg?view_as=subscriber
Tres Jolie Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/tresjoliekits/